Be sure to check out "The Club 2.0 Story," our newest StoryWorthy feature, on the Watch + Listen Page.

October 6 - Caring for Those Who Care

Caring for Those Who Care

One of the fun things about Storyworthy is that people of Grace can nominate others who they think hold a story that needs to be shared. Grace is filled with people who are practicing the way of Jesus in their daily lives, but it is just so easy to miss what others are doing in the midst of our own busy lives. Storyworthy provides the perfect path to share these stories! This week's story comes to us by nomination. The nomination reads, " Did you know that Alberta Wray has a ministry to missionaries who have changes in their calling and need care and debrief?"  After reaching out to Alberta, she shared more with us about how she is living out her calling in her everyday life! Read more...

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