Be sure to check out "The Club 2.0 Story," our newest StoryWorthy feature, on the Watch + Listen Page.

August 23 - Summer 2024 Missions Re-cap

Summer 2024 Missions Re-cap

Student Ministry Continues to Serve at Clarkston: For the second year in a row, the Student Ministry served in Clarkston, GA during Summer 2024. As a way to continue to build upon the established relationship, Student Pastor, Noah Wright shares, " Grace Students will soon continue to grow our relationship with Clarkston community. During High School House Church on September 22nd, these enthusiastic, ready to serve students will be visiting Carriage Oaks III Apartment Complex located in the heart of Clarkston. During this time the students will spend time loving the children and teens as our adult volunteers cultivate relationships with the parents. The student leaders aim to create a welcoming environment that fosters connection and support among residents while also addressing immediate needs within the community.  As our student leaders prepare for their visit, they are not only focused on the logistical aspects of their project but also on building meaningful relationships with the residents of Carriage Oaks III. Our High Schoolers intend to do this by playing soccer, sharing snacks, and engaging in free play with the young residents of the apartment complex. The initiative is set to offer more than just material support; it will provide an opportunity for the students to learn from and engage with the diverse population of the apartment complex. Through their efforts, they hope to inspire a sense of unity and shared purpose, leaving a lasting impact on both the community they serve and themselves. This collaboration with the residents in Carriage Oaks III shows how our student leaders can make a big difference and how helping others with kindness can bring communities closer together. Soon we plan to bring along our Middle Schoolers as well!

Special StoryWorthy Update

Many of us grew up hearing amazing stories of missionaries, reformers, and 1st century Christians that excited and challenged us. But that dreaming had a downside – it could make the idea of living faithfully seem far away – unattainable. But there are stories of goodness, grace, faithfulness, and service going on all around us. People are living sacrificially, humbly, and lovingly in our church family. God is working mightily, graciously, and beautifully right here in our community. We think it’s only right to tell those stories too.
That is what StoryWorthy has always been about. And that’s what the communication or stories at Grace will always be about, but that rhythm is changing slightly moving forward.

We believe that sharing these stories is an essential part of cultivating goodness in our community. So, we want to take time and tell them more thoroughly, more creatively, and more thoughtfully than we have given ourselves time to tell them before. This means, we will no longer be publishing the shorter blog-style stories every week.  About once a month, we’ll tell a larger story – in various formats and in different media – with more details and tie-ins to the grander story of Grace Church and what God is doing here. You will still receive those “StoryWorthy” emails to help you find the content, but you will also be able to find this reimagined series on our app and on our YouTube channel (more details to come).

Be on the lookout for the first StoryWorthy video article coming soon. And if you have stories that you think are story-worthy, send those stories to
Stories are one of the most captivating tools for connection and communication that we have at our disposal. They grab our attention and pull us in – sometimes it can feel like we are sharing each other's experiences with a good story. We can’t wait to share more of yours.

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