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September 29 - Cleveland Reflection

Cleveland Reflection

"We even got sticky notes in our bathrooms!"  Chrissy O'Neal, Parent Liaison at Cleveland Elementary heard this squeal of delight from a student on Monday morning after our celebration at Cleveland.  A big thank you to all who came out on Sunday to bless Cleveland Elementary School.  What a joy to worship and serve together with our brothers and sisters from Flat Rock AME! The school and the staff were covered in prayer, 1000 bags were packed with food, hundreds of sticky notes of encouragement were hung throughout the halls (and bathrooms) and goodie bags for all of the Cleveland teachers and staff were decorated and filled. Thanks to all who contributed to making Cleveland a success! See photos!

  • Prayer Hour - Wednesday at 12 pm. All are invited to join.
  • ROMEO - Men's Group meets on 10/4 at 8 am at Broadway Diner. All men are invited! 

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