what's glowing on?
Glow Ministry, led by Grace member Samantha Harris and Naoko Uechi is entering their 10th year of working to share the love of Jesus with the Japanese community in our area as well as in Japan! Glow provides a variety of pathways to the guests that attend. These pathways all lead to Christ! Glow Kids, led by Grace member, Rachel McEachron launched in January, Glow & Learn, a class that meets three times a month and offers ESL and Bible teaching will kick-off on February 14, Glow 1:1, a program that partners one Christian with one Japanese lady for Bible study meets years round but will have a gathering on March 6 at the home of the program leader, Grace member, Fiona Thiessen. All of these offerings and more are blending together and are leading people to Christ! Enjoy reading this personal account from a Glow guest who became a Christian in the US and is now helping to lead Glow Japan!
First of all, I have come to believe in Jesus. I started Bible study in English as soon as I came to the U.S., but I had a bad image of religion and thought I would never believe in it. I lived a depraved life, knowing Jesus as knowledge. However, by studying and discussing in depth in small groups in Japanese, I could believe and was able to be baptized before returning to my home country.
Secondly, before I believed, I just put into practice what I studied and thought was good in Glow. Gradually, I could feel that both my family and I had changed. The atmosphere in my family has improved a lot; within a year or two, we changed to an amazing degree.
People who knew me in the past might be confused.
•I drank a lot of alcohol every day. Now, I don't usually drink.
•I became less to be attached to my own profit.
•I was getting less and less frustrated.
•I have a goal for our family's life.
•I didn't know if I had love, but now that I know God's love, I can give it to others.
•I realized I had value, and I think and act for myself.
•My husband started to value family time. He doesn’t like to be a noisy person, so my kids and he were very distant from each other.
•My sensitive daughter has become more challenging and smiles more often. My son's tantrums have gone away. They both love God.
Third, they connected me to the Japanese church. Now, the image of religion in Japan is even worse. If nothing else, I didn't think I could go. Before returning to Japan, I was taught the importance of connecting with a church. With advice and encouragement and their help in finding a church for my family, I could go to a nearby church immediately. Now, I can connect with some churches (in person) besides Glow (ZOOM) several times a week, and I really appreciate it. However, very few children come to church, and I am so thankful that all of Glow are praying for my kids.
Thank you so much for supporting and praying for Glow!
Ai Ozawa
Glow Japan Leader
Secondly, before I believed, I just put into practice what I studied and thought was good in Glow. Gradually, I could feel that both my family and I had changed. The atmosphere in my family has improved a lot; within a year or two, we changed to an amazing degree.
People who knew me in the past might be confused.
•I drank a lot of alcohol every day. Now, I don't usually drink.
•I became less to be attached to my own profit.
•I was getting less and less frustrated.
•I have a goal for our family's life.
•I didn't know if I had love, but now that I know God's love, I can give it to others.
•I realized I had value, and I think and act for myself.
•My husband started to value family time. He doesn’t like to be a noisy person, so my kids and he were very distant from each other.
•My sensitive daughter has become more challenging and smiles more often. My son's tantrums have gone away. They both love God.
Third, they connected me to the Japanese church. Now, the image of religion in Japan is even worse. If nothing else, I didn't think I could go. Before returning to Japan, I was taught the importance of connecting with a church. With advice and encouragement and their help in finding a church for my family, I could go to a nearby church immediately. Now, I can connect with some churches (in person) besides Glow (ZOOM) several times a week, and I really appreciate it. However, very few children come to church, and I am so thankful that all of Glow are praying for my kids.
Thank you so much for supporting and praying for Glow!
Ai Ozawa
Glow Japan Leader
Ai's story is one of many that reflects the active power of God that comes from sharing his love with those who have never heard of him. Glow is telling, sharing and showing the gospel story on a regular basis! We invite you to consider being a part of it. If you have a desire to serve, Glow is seeking a youth coordinator, ESL teachers and a care coordinator. To learn more visit Opportunities at Glow.