Be sure to check out "The Club 2.0 Story," our newest StoryWorthy feature, on the Watch + Listen Page.

Christmas compassion

Each year it is a privilege to come alongside our community in the spirit of generosity!   As we have done in years past, we are inviting you to bake and bag Christmas cookies and treats! This is an opportunity to participate in a spirited and loving gesture for our Mobile Food Pantry guests. We will also be providing cookies for the teachers at Spring Hill Elementary as a gift from our Good News Club partners.

Consider making it more fun and bake with a friend, bake with a neighbor, bake with your spouse, grandchildren or children! The more the merrier!
In addition, we are asking for donations of Walmart gift cards for families of Cleveland Elementary School. This year in particular, families are asking for help providing holiday food for their families.  
Beginning this Sunday, you can grab treat bags and envelopes for gift cards from the display in the back corner of the auditorium.  Please pay attention to the dates as we will need items back in time to deliver them to the schools and our Mobile Food Pantry guests.  Thank you for sharing the love of Christ by tangibly loving friends and neighbors in our community!