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Arms wide open

It's impossible to describe 30 years on the mission field in just 2-3 paragraphs. Gindy Miley was given a great challenge when she was asked to share about her work in India and Pakistan as well as her recent trip back to India.  With missions being a core value of Grace, we delight in the opportunity to share with the Grace family stories from the lives of our brothers and sisters that have focused on living out a missional calling. When Gindy Miley arrived at Grace Church in June 2019, she established herself quickly by not hesitating to join Women's Bible studies, lead projects like the Plarn Initiative which provided sleeping mats for the homeless, serve as a tutor at Cleveland Elementary School as well as serve in Engage Fayette and GLOW Ministry. It is safe to say that Gindy is making an impact on her community!

When asked to describe her work on the mission field, Gindy shared, "Yes, it’s true, I was involved in cross cultural ministry for 30 years! During my varied career, I served with two very different organizations (OM and MTW), in a number of places (England, France, Nepal, on the MV Logos, India, New Jersey and Pakistan). And, I wore several hats including Teacher, Secretary, Personnel Director, Headmistress and TCK (Third Culture Kids) Caregiver. 
So special to connect with Vidur, a former student, and meet his family. 
He’s now on staff at the school where we met! 
At Rebecca and Joshua’s wedding.
I fell in love with India in my 20s and am always delighted when I am able to return. In January 2023, a very dear former student invited me to come for her wedding. Going all that way for just one event seemed impractical, and I was delighted when visiting the three places where my roots are the deepest (Kolkata, Dehradun and Mussoorie) fell into place. Spending time with ‘old’ friends, and meeting some new ones, enriched my life. It was a glorious month!

In Kolkata with friends connected to EMANUEL MINISTRIES OF CALCUTTA.
 Some precious people who have enriched my life. 
The two of us wearing glasses worked together on an evangelistic team in Gujarat in the 70’s. 
Sumana now lives in DehraDun where she’s worked for many years with the blind.
When I return to India, my feeling is that she opens her arms widely and gives me a big hug. Perhaps the most special thing about a return visit, other than spending time with friends, is sensing God’s pleasure and hearing the still small voice whisper, “I am pleased with you, and your investment in my Kingdom here.” Through my comings and goings, God has taught me that He is FAITHFUL.  This time, as I returned to my beloved Hindustan, He reminded me of how important it is for me to be FAITHFUL to Him."

If you are interested in learning more details of Gindy's story, she welcomes your communication! Simply contact her at