For the past 8 years, Grace Church has been working alongside Club 2.0 to live out the mission laid on Faith Smith’s heart. Enjoy hearing the story of Club 2.0 from Faith’s insider perspective.
“After another organization made the decision to cut off the participation age for people with disabilities at 21 years old, I realized during my second year of the Journey that God was calling me to fill this gap. (Others had been trying to fill the gap but were unable to continue coordinating this group.) We had something of a rough beginning and started with a much smaller group than we have now. Club 2.0 has a very clear mission. The mission of Club 2.0 is to provide fellowship in a safe and loving environment for differently enabled adults who are at least 21 years and older. We aspire to share the message and teachings of Jesus and the Bible with love and compassion in ways that our differently enabled adults can receive and understand. This is done by our teachings and fellowship with them both at Grace Church and in our community.
We meet once a month at Grace Church. Our meetings are usually the first Thursday of each month beginning in September and ending in May. We offer social opportunities outside of regular club meetings and partner with other organizations like Fish Stix, Jesus Prom, etc. At our Club 2.0 gatherings we usually share a meal and fellowship as well as enjoy worship and Bible study. We also provide time for everyone to pray together in small groups. We play games, sing songs, do crafts and sometimes participate in service projects for others. We usually have a Talent Show in May which is a “big hit” for everyone! In December, we have a Christmas party! Basically, we enjoy regular fellowship and share the love of Jesus as well as have a lot of fun together.
Club 2.0 is a wonderful place to serve! We welcome volunteers 18 years of age and older who have a love for the Lord and a special heart for people with disabilities and desire to share fellowship and community with them. Background checks are required for all volunteers and are updated every year.
These past 8 years have brought growth! Today we have over 70 people on our roster! Of course, not all 70 come to every gathering but we have experienced growth, and we are thankful! We welcome individuals where they are and love them as people not as their disabilities. Each year has a theme, and we invite different people with talents and messages to share with our group. We have a theme each year and invite different people with talents and messages related to the theme to come and share. Together, we laugh, love and learn.
Serving at Club 2.0 has been a blessing beyond measure for me. I have been overwhelmed with the task and challenge of coordinating this ministry as it has grown especially when I tried to carry the responsibility alone. I have been surprised and speechless with the honest comments and questions at times and felt a mirror was being held up to my soul. I have been told I was too friendly. I have been handed lettuce by someone who doesn't eat lettuce when I told them to just take the lettuce off their sandwich. I have been humbled by the lack of masks from many of our participants and have been given grace to grasp a deeper understanding of what Jesus meant when he told us that we must come to Him as little children. At times of worship, I have felt that I was on Holy Ground while being overwhelmed with God's love which moved me to tears. I have grown spiritually and experienced God's presence and hand in a profound way. In summary, I have enjoyed growth and blessings coupled with perseverance and obedience supported by a firm belief in the priesthood of all believers. To all the volunteers who serve and to Grace Church for supporting this ministry, thank you, from the bottom of my heart!”
“After another organization made the decision to cut off the participation age for people with disabilities at 21 years old, I realized during my second year of the Journey that God was calling me to fill this gap. (Others had been trying to fill the gap but were unable to continue coordinating this group.) We had something of a rough beginning and started with a much smaller group than we have now. Club 2.0 has a very clear mission. The mission of Club 2.0 is to provide fellowship in a safe and loving environment for differently enabled adults who are at least 21 years and older. We aspire to share the message and teachings of Jesus and the Bible with love and compassion in ways that our differently enabled adults can receive and understand. This is done by our teachings and fellowship with them both at Grace Church and in our community.
We meet once a month at Grace Church. Our meetings are usually the first Thursday of each month beginning in September and ending in May. We offer social opportunities outside of regular club meetings and partner with other organizations like Fish Stix, Jesus Prom, etc. At our Club 2.0 gatherings we usually share a meal and fellowship as well as enjoy worship and Bible study. We also provide time for everyone to pray together in small groups. We play games, sing songs, do crafts and sometimes participate in service projects for others. We usually have a Talent Show in May which is a “big hit” for everyone! In December, we have a Christmas party! Basically, we enjoy regular fellowship and share the love of Jesus as well as have a lot of fun together.
Club 2.0 is a wonderful place to serve! We welcome volunteers 18 years of age and older who have a love for the Lord and a special heart for people with disabilities and desire to share fellowship and community with them. Background checks are required for all volunteers and are updated every year.
These past 8 years have brought growth! Today we have over 70 people on our roster! Of course, not all 70 come to every gathering but we have experienced growth, and we are thankful! We welcome individuals where they are and love them as people not as their disabilities. Each year has a theme, and we invite different people with talents and messages to share with our group. We have a theme each year and invite different people with talents and messages related to the theme to come and share. Together, we laugh, love and learn.
Serving at Club 2.0 has been a blessing beyond measure for me. I have been overwhelmed with the task and challenge of coordinating this ministry as it has grown especially when I tried to carry the responsibility alone. I have been surprised and speechless with the honest comments and questions at times and felt a mirror was being held up to my soul. I have been told I was too friendly. I have been handed lettuce by someone who doesn't eat lettuce when I told them to just take the lettuce off their sandwich. I have been humbled by the lack of masks from many of our participants and have been given grace to grasp a deeper understanding of what Jesus meant when he told us that we must come to Him as little children. At times of worship, I have felt that I was on Holy Ground while being overwhelmed with God's love which moved me to tears. I have grown spiritually and experienced God's presence and hand in a profound way. In summary, I have enjoyed growth and blessings coupled with perseverance and obedience supported by a firm belief in the priesthood of all believers. To all the volunteers who serve and to Grace Church for supporting this ministry, thank you, from the bottom of my heart!”