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Grace  Kids


Boys ages 0 - 5th grade are invited to enjoy a fun night of food, hayrides, games, bonfire and animals! Location address provided at registration.

Know. Grow. Go

The mission of Grace Kids is to disciple our young to
 Know Jesus, Grow in faith and Go share the love ofJesus with others! 

February Teachings!

The children of Grace are learning the stories of the Old Testament, the life of John Newton and a study on Truth! 

"It was a blessing hanging out with these energetic little ones in the 4/K class! It was fun to take a couple of hours and show the children God's love."

- Brent

"Real men don't eat quiche, but they do teach little kids about the Bible!"

- Jeff

"All of life was given to us to teach us to know God and shape us to become more like him, for some of us perhaps a new area of growth in our spiritual formation is to sit with a child and scribble with a crayon, to watch a child laugh or to hold a baby. "

- Fiona

Sunday Mornings

Babies 6-weeks-old - Kindergarten

Classes are offered during the service and during the NextGen 2nd Hour. Check-in begins at 9:20 am.

1st grade - 5th grade

Children are invited to check-in to children's programming and then join their families in the service for worship. After worshipping, they will be invited to join Children's Church for the remainder of the service. The children will transition into their small groups during the NextGen 2nd Hour following Children's Church. 

NextGen 2nd Hour

The Next Gen 2nd Hour is intentional time created for youth and children to learn about the Bible in a spiritual, developmentally appropriate setting, while establishing meaningful relationships with their small group leaders.  

 Parents/Guardians and the congregation are invited to join the Café for fellowship and connection.

Children's Church

Children's Church is offered for kids in 1st - 5th grade on the 2nd - 5th Sundays of the month. Join for a time of memorizing scripture, hearing stories and creating meaningful crafts! Kids will join their small groups from Children's Church for the 2nd Hour. 
All volunteers serving in NextGen must agree to a background check and online risk training. 

2nd Hour Programming

Grace Kids Littles are learning Old Testament and New Testament Stories. They are learning through their kind leaders that Jesus welcomes and loves little children. 
Grace Kids Elementary 1st - 4th graders are working their way through the Old Testament this school year! The 5th graders are doing a deep dive on, "Truth. "


Why do we invite elementary children to attend the service?
We understand that this format may be different for some families. However, we see great value in regularly including the elementary children in service. When children are seen and treated as part of the church family, their faith is more likely to be long lasting. Children are not an inconvenience, and they are a part of the body of Christ. They need to see godly examples of how to worship and they need to feel that they are a part of the church family. It is likely that if a child does not feel like they are part of the church, they will leave when they get older.
Research taken from SF: What is Sticky Faith? | Fuller Youth Institute
How will my elementary child engage in the service?
Children will enjoy worshiping with their church family. Our worship team creates a time of both reflection and celebration! 
Do you offer any additional Sunday morning opportunities for my elementary child?
Children in grades 1st - 5th will have the option of attending children's church during the sermon. Those wishing to attend will be invited to join after the worship portion of the service has completed. Those attending will need to check-in at the Grace Kids Welcome Desk located in the Preschool hallway prior to the start of service. 
Is a nursery offered for my baby?
We offer a baby - 2-year-old room. A child must be at least 6 weeks old to attend. This class offers care and indoor play. 
What if I need to nurse my baby?
The nursing mom's room is located in the Grace Kids Preschool Hallway behind the check-in desk. There are rocking chairs, a changing station, livestream and a play space for infants. If you are a dad and you need to tend to your baby outside of the service, you are welcome to use the nursery. 

Got Questions about Grace Kids?
Want to Volunteer?