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cleveland food drive

Grace Church and Flat Rock AME work together to collect, sort and pack food for the children of Cleveland Elementary School. 

September 22 - Cleveland Elementary School - 10 AM

On Sunday, September 22 Grace Church and Flat Rock AME will meet at Cleveland Elementary School at 10 am to pack food bags, bless the staff and enjoy worshipping together! 

As we serve the neighborhood together! 

Cleveland Elementary is a school less than five minutes drive away from our home base at Grace Church. This school faithfully serves children of diverse demographic and economic backgrounds right here in our neighborhood by educating, nurturing, and helping to feed their students. Their Weekend Backpack Program sends kids who need it home with a bag of food each weekend to help ensure that they are well-fed and ready to tackle the next week of scholastic challenges when they return. Over 70 families in our community have signed up for the program. Together with our friends and partners over at Flat Rock AME Church, our Grace Church family has taken up the challenge to collect, sort, and pack over 2,000 bags of essential food for the young kids right around our church home!

How you can help:
  • Donate food from our list of needed items (in person at either church, or online)
  • Come serve together to prepare the bags of food on Backpack Sunday. We need...
    • Greeters
    • Cafe help
    • Take down crew
    • People with trucks, vans, trailers
    • Clean-up crew
  • Come pray together on Backpack Sunday as we write notes of encouragement and blessing to the students and staff and leave them up all around the school
  • Get involved in Cleveland Elementary's mentorship programs as a volunteer!